Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Full Moon in Libra and Eclipse, March 23, 2016

As I sat down to write this, “Dancing in the Moonlight” by King Harvest started to play.  Not only is it one of my all time favorite songs, but how appropriate is it as we dance off the energies of Spring Equinox with the Moon in lovin’ Leo, followed by the Moon in Earthy, visionary Virgo and keep on dancing into the Full Moon in harmonious, beautiful, loving Libra.   And this is all supported by so many energies in dreamy, creative, magical, we’re all in this together Pisces.  So why not dance in the moonlight?

The Sun and Uranus are in Aries, though, so people will be struggling with the angel on their other shoulder, too.

Aries is a warrior energy.  A fighter, a bar room brawler, a no holds barred kind of energy when it's at its most “negative”.    If we give it a focus, a cause, a specific purpose and goal, and it comes from a place of true Universal love, a place of true Piscean interconnectedness and the creative, fiery, passionate power of Leo, the Gaia and mentally focused powers of Virgo, topped with the truthful harmony of Libra, then baby we have a plan, a path and a beautiful vision to dream together and manifest.  Aries loves a good cause and loves new beginnings, so I’m feeling like a good cause and some good new beginnings that start with love, peace, harmony and a great vision of beauty would be the perfect place to start this second part of Spring with!

This past Pisces New Moon with an eclipse felt like a vortex opened up.  And for many of us, it felt like we got sucked into a giant tornado.  It brought out where we feel like victims, where we feel like we're selling ourselves out or short, where we're disconnected from our own Souls, where we focus on illusion rather than the truth of the Universe, where we're lacking creativity, vision, and the imagination needed to manifest our dreams.  We may even realize we’ve lost connection with our dreams themselves.  We may also realize just where we have no boundaries.  And it hit us like a ton of bricks.

But the beauty of the process of the Universe is that this shows us where we need to let go, where we need to realize those things are the illusion and where our hearts draw us to the truth, the beauty and the ultimate love of the Universe.  This process helps us remember our true Selves as we shed the illusions, the painful darkness, and the perceived limitations.

Now we have this amazing gift of all this beautiful energy that offers us joy, love, vision, truth, and power to manifest our truest dreams. 

     So we have the vortex opened from the Pisces New Moon a few weeks ago, and now, to me, this Full Moon/Eclipse feels like a springboard to take the chance and open wide to our dreams, our Souls, and to the joy of the Universe.

Let your light, love, compassion, innate Soul desire for beauty and harmony be the guiding force behind your communications.  Seek new beginnings, new harmonious ways to communicate that include conscious and compassionate listening, the desire for actively trying to listen and talk in partnership – be inclusive of all that is being communicated in ALL forms of communication - from acts of violence to reaching out with the highest principles of love and tolerance.   Listen to your dreams - they're very powerful right now.  

Let's create  new ways of living together in loving harmony.  Let yourself be open to new ideas, learn more about the other person (or animals, nature, the stars and all the beings of the skies, the Earth and the Universe).  AND do this with yourself.  Listen to yourself with love, compassion, and inclusivity of all you are.  Be tolerant of wherever you feel “less than” or struggle with inner demons.   Because in our totality, we're each amazing, perfect, loved and, love itself. 

As I finish writing this, “Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In” by the fabulous 5th Dimension just started playing.  There’s some powerful musical magic going on with this pattern of stars, planets and the Moon tonight!  May you be blessed with the beauty, love and sparkly magic of the Universe.   Love and Blessed Be.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

New Moon in Libra, October 15, 2012


This New Moon cycle brings us a real upsurge in feminine energies, especially as they apply to the concept of humanity.  Women and those who are considered "unique" or different in some way are a large focus, one way or the other.  We'll also see women being given the opportunity to create a more solid future-oriented foundation based on real power, power that comes from love, caring, wisdom, interconnectedness and that warrior goddess who fights for what's right.  This is a more balanced sense of power rather than the dominator power that is gasping it's last breath, though not without a grand fight.

Venus and the Moon are prominent in this cycle and offer healing to the old idea of the "Madonna and whore" image of women.  Women can be smart, beautiful, sexy, mothering, wise, ancient, new, powerful, all at the same time.  The real focus here is that every woman has the right and responsibility to be who she came here to be and that all women are magnificent.  This is not about the old "we CAN have it all."  No no no no...it's about being our best, allowing others to be their best and have a balanced, safe, wise world to share ourselves with.  It's also a Moon cycle that has the potential to bring women from all over the world together, united in one cause of women connecting with their unique power as women/a woman to create the future for our world, our children.

Not to leave the men out...men are experiencing these energies more inwardly.  Their natural feminine sides are being affected by these energies.  They too are being called to be the best they can be and shed the ways that have trapped them into believing those old ways of the man is in charge.  Those ways don't give men much of an opportunity to be their best any more than women.  The women in men's lives will act as mirrors for them, showing them where they need to work on themselves.  And women, the men in your lives will act as mirrors to show you where you need to let go of control, speak up and where you need to claim your power as a woman.

Even though we are in Autumn and approaching Samhain (the Wiccan end of the year), this Moon cycle is about a new beginning.  One where we must create a new/renewal of the future with joy.  Create with the understanding that it is not US on our own creating, but rather that we reveal what is already there, waiting for us to discover it like the discovery of the beauty of each new day.  It's about connecting with our place in the big picture and taking nothing for granted.  This is the time for us to BECOME joy.  Open our voices to let out the song, the beauty, the creation.  We carry the manifestation within us so time to let it out!  We are part of the big picture, part of the creative process.

This is also the time to let go of ego beliefs that make us think, for example, that we make the Sun rise.  The Sun will rise whether we are here or not.  We can connect with the process of sunrise, we can let others know of the sunrise, we can paint it, photograph it, create other beauty based on its' beauty, and so on.  In creating beauty from the sunrise, keep in mind that we are the messengers and the caretakers of our part in the bigger process.  And it's important.  It's just not the only thing going on.

This New Moon is going to hit us hard about responsibility and taking credit for things we have no business taking responsibility or credit for. 

Walk gently and with integrity in your own power this Moon cycle.  Appreciate the beauty in the world, in nature, in yourself and in others.  Find as many moments of peace and quiet as you can AND create peace and quiet in the world so others can find it, too.

Ask Spirit to whisper to you what your special passion is.  Then listen.  You may not hear it right away, but along the way and through your days, listen to the wind blowing, the leaves fluttering and crunching, the rain falling, the birds singing, children laughing, see the pages of a book...the answer will come to you.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mercury in Aries Direct

April 23, 2011 - We may feel a sense of relief and freedom now that Mercury has gone direct, but there will still be energies helping us hold still a bit longer to maintain our sense of connection to the deep wisdom we've been working to understand and join with during the recent retrograde period. Saturn is opposing Mercury until early May so that will put some brakes on our rush to get on with business now that Mercury has gone direct.

As Mercury goes direct it runs into Mars in Aries, and that really intensifies our desire to go full steam ahead with whatever has been calling to us, simmering in our Mercury-retrograde guided brains for the past three weeks. But with Saturn opposing the energies, we're asked to hold on a bit longer to clear out more fears and unnecessary elements. This time will help us really pare down the information we've received and beliefs and information (inner and outer) we've been working with all our lives and for centureis until what we're left with is simply and honestly what needs to be there in order to build the lives and world in the vision we've been guided to blend with our own unique visions. This won't be an overnight process. It will still take some time and work.

This is also about recognizing that the different aspects of ourselves may still be out alignment with one another. Some may still be in an adolescent phase while others are more mature. Aries wants us to rush into battle, but can the cooler and more disciplined, older and wiser heads of Saturn prevail while we learn enough to be really effective as we explore and move along these new pathways? Can we recognize where we need to allow ourselves to grow some more while the wiser parts of ourselves understand the need to give appropriate boundaries while at the same time allowing for freedom to grow and learn?

Integrating the lessons of the cooler-headed Saturn will serve us well as we then run into Jupiter in Aries as we travel the wheel of life, giving us an opportunity to expand our consciousness and our desire for new adventures and experiences. Over the next few weeks we'll have the chance to face our fears, our self-imposed inner and outer boundaries and oppositions and then move on to the expansion and light that is Jupiter. We'll be able to take what we know, what we envision, our clearer vision and a sense of elder wisdom and patience to begin to plant, build, create with love, inclusivity, dialogue and tolerance. We'll have a better and more honest connection with the hidden elements of nature and a deeper respect for the Earth and Her children and resources rather than crazy, unthinking, immature passion to make change, win at all costs, and destroy in the process rather than transform. These are not givens; they are possibilities we must choose and then work for.

The point over the next few weeks is to make sure we're working on ourselves, on our lives, on what our hearts call us to do. Slacking off will simply not do if we really want to expand our worlds. This kind of work is introspective, meditative, prayerful, mindful and paying attention to the world around us that is often unseen by our human senses. This work is that of listening to Earth, to the songs of the birds, the whisper or howl of the wind, the plop, plop, plop of rain, the crackle of thunder and the electric charge of lightning. It's about listening to the cries of the marine animals and sea life, the power of the water, the breathing of the trees and plants and so much more.

We'll be moving into the Taurus energies soon and that will give us a chance to catch our breath, add some form and structure to all that fiery passion and high energy we've been experiencing lately but haven't been able to do much with. It will give us a chance to take stock of where we're at, what we have going on, and where we want to go. We may feel tempted to sit it out on the front porch, but we still need to keep working.


The Collective Sigh of Mercury Going Direct!

April 23, 2011 - This Mercury retrograde seems to have been much harder than others for me as well as a lot of people I know. Not only have there been technical issues (most of which were the result of me not paying attention I will admit), but it seems like the particular combination of energies right now has been more frustrating and challenging than usual.

We've had some major sign changes (Uranus moved from Pisces into Aries and Neptune moved from Aquarius into Pisces, both after many years. Changes like this are always a jolt to our vibrations plus new energies to get used to), and a lot of planets in Aries. It's felt like there's an urgency to take action that compels us to jump up and do something - anything, just do it right now! Mercifully, we've been held back from jumping forward where angels fear to tread - for now anyway.

Aries wants to hurry up and get to where it's going yesterday. Mercury does like to flit quickly, but with a plan, a purpose, an idea. Mercury retrograde makes us slow down, listen to the quiet in-between wisdom we tend to rush past in our direct daily living.

Mercury retrograde has slowed us down from acting too quickly on our desire to just hurry up and get something done or get something going. We've needed this time to allow the new energies into our lives so we can have the opportunity to let them settle before we crazily jump on some new bandwagon.

This Mercury retrograde asked us to be open to new potentialities; to have faith and to believe that we are capable of experiencing and creating so much more than our ego-minds can ever dream of. We've been asked to open up to powerful possibilities if we connect our spirit-mind with the Divine mind. We are at the beginning of some truly spectacular possibilities - it's all there if we want it and if we're only willing to be open and believe and BE the wisdom needed to make it happen.

I keep thinking about the part in "Peter Pan" where Tinkerbell consciously drinks the poison meant for Peter and as she is dying Peter cries out "Do you believe?...If you believe, clap your hand...don't let Tink die."

Right now is about faith that Tinkerbell is real and our belief in her will bring her back to life. That our faith in what has not yet been shown to us will be the bridge that connects us to possibilities, potentials, life and dimensions that we may or may be able to see, hear, smell or touch, but we do believe because somehow, in the quiet place in our hearts we just know it to be true. It's about understanding and accepting our duty, the work we agreed to come here to do, knowing what information is real and what isn't and how to use what we have. It's about life lessons, justice, creating goals, working hard, honesty and not letting a sense of urgency get the better of us. We're moving into Taurus energy shortly and that will give us a chance to work with patience and grounding. From now until then we have Saturn to help us.

This retrograde period was about learning patience, patience to sit quietly even when we feel the urge to rush to something whether we know what "it" is or not and whether or not we know it's for the highest good. It's also about just believing the possibilities are there and having faith that when the moment is right we'll find out what "it" is and we'll know what to do.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Equinox 2010 - Persephone Returns to the World...What Will She Find?

Today the Sun moves from Pisces into Aries. New beginnings, taking up new causes, renewing our commitment to old causes or perhaps strengthening our resolve to make something better. Aries is a pioneer, an adventurer, an energy that creates new ideas. Aries can be all about the ego and me-me-me, too. That's an attempt to gather enough resources to take care of basic needs because pioneering, adventuring, coming up with new ideas and leading a crusade require copious amounts of resources to sustain the self and the project. When these processes are done in balance, there is a quiet power that feeds the heart and soul that moves this energy along.

Give some meditative thought today and in the coming days to what you want to give your energy to. What ideas do you want to bring into the world? Or, maybe you are involved in something that's already good, but could use more support - how can you contribute to the greater success of that?

Then consider what resources you need to make this all happen. If you have an idea for a new job, allow yourself to see the full vision of it. Then take the time to research, ask questions, whatever you need to do to discover what resources, connections, whatever you need to make it happen and use the fiery-action power of this time of year to get it going. Be flexible with the final outcome of the original vision because you may get something even better!

The Moon is in Taurus this Spring Equinox. Moonin Taurus is pretty grounded and seeks out what we need to feel emotionally secure. That can include a sense of financial security (or insecurity depending on where you're at) as well as creative security and basic survival needs. Moon in Taurus asks us to consider what we need to feel nurtured and fed. It also asks us what we need to feel creatively fertile. And yes, we are all creative --- creativity comes in more forms that we can currently imagine. This combination of Sun in Aries and Moon in Taurus is giving us all a much needed boost of excitement and power to open up to what we need to be productive in a beautiful way - what do we need to create a world of beauty where resources are respected, shared with equality, where the Earth is treated with respect, kindness, gratitude and replenished with wisdom (think organic crop rotation as one example), where the basic needs of everyone are met with joy and abundance so there are no worries about basic survival and everyone can focus on the expression of the true beauty within them that connects with the Universe and uplifts the world.

One key element during this time is to consider our values; the values we live by, the true values in our hearts and the values we see in the world. This is one of the qualities of Taurus, but with Aries Sun that gets a fire lit under it and becomes a question of where are the inequities between my real values and the values of the world? Because we are moving toward a dissolving of polarities that are destructive (although part of that means we see an increase in the destructiveness of polarity activities) and a move into 4-5-6 dimensions with 7 looming closely, we are releasing the old illusion, the things that we use to divide us like religion, politics, a negative view of ethnicity and culture.

Watch out for some potentially quarrelsome energies or cranky energies in and around you. I would suggest that for this day (and the days before and after) that you make sure you are physically active, preferably out in nature. Also, if you have any creative activities going on or that you want to start, spend some quiet, alone time working on them.

Otherwise, the energies will generally have an undercurrent of good qualities that are helping us move forward with our evolution. The energies do point to a great deal of potential for being "spacey", but that is because they call out for time to be spent in one-ness with nature and spirit. I'm imagining the entire world meditating in the beauty of nature all day long - just quiet, deep, open meditation!

In fact, any time spent in nature and in any form of meditation (walking meditation, yoga meditation, basic meditation) focusing on some kind of creative work while in a meditative-like state will bring extra strong, powerful energy to the planet and all life here to ward off, push away, dissolve any negative energies that are either coming or somet that are here and won't budge. Some things may be too far along their path to stop, but through nature and meditative/prayer-like activities the outcomes will be changed to something less thant what might have happened without the energetic and spiritual work.

This applies to each of us personally as well as the planet.

This Spring Equinox is hitting one of the notes in the eight year Venus paradigm shift that started in 2004 and ends in June 2012. One of the shifts during this long phase involves our valuing system and what/how we make exchanges regarding services, products and basic resource needs. The money system is changing. How it changes depends on each of us - our awakening and our sense of balance and partnership and action in the world.

With this Equinox we will be ready to create, desing and mainfest the next level of reality. We have to be careful as there is now a 6th dimensional component involved and it can draw us in at different times. It's very different from the 4th and 5th dimensions. We are fast-tracking these dimensions because we've gotten behind. So, while we build the 4th and 5th dimensions, the 6th and soon the 7th will be opening to us, too.

There is an influx of energies that will help us with bringing balance to the feminine-masculine balance. It will also help us withthe process of raising the vibrations of where we currently are with the relationship between feminine and masculine as we move toward a time where we no longer label things as "feminine" and "masculine" but where actions, beliefs and so on are simply accepted for what they are. For example, nurturing would be simply nurturing and considered a naturally life-supporting thing rather than a "traditionally feminine" thing.

This same influx of energies is helping us shift the energy grids that sit just on the surface of the Earth to help with the Earth shifts. These energies cannot stop the shifts, but they can help us kind of soften them. Again, anything we can do to physically or thorugh visualization or meditaiton connect with nature and offer our help with these shifts would be good. We are bing called to step up our work as caretakers of the Earth. That can mean anything from an extra bit of meditation each day to asking others to meditate more. It could mean speaking out somehow to awaken others through the power of words or art in some way. Whatever you do, just do it.

With this equinox the seeds that have been germinating for us to use to create the new foundations and paradigms for thes new dimension will now be popping out - moving from little seeds to seedlings popping out from beneath the top layer of Earth. Take your ideas, thoughts, new feelings, the dreams you wnat to grow and continue to nurture them with the knowledge that they are not just growing, but they're popping out now! They must still be protected because they are still vulnerable to the harshness of the elements - negativity, fear, trampling by old footprints. We have to care for them with great love, gentleness and a fiercensss like any parent protecting their newborn. They need to be fed with love, encouragement, positivity, and soon a sense of connection to community.

From an archetype perspective, Persephone began her journey up from the underworld at Imbolc, February 2. At Spring Equinox she begins to fully emerge into the light of day. We are getting back in touch with all we have been keeping hidden and secret. I suspect Persephone brings with her knowledge of the shifts going on and coming within the Earth. She may also be bringing these movements with her as she ascends the staircase up to the surface of the Earth. I have a feeling the Divine Feminine is preparing to make a statement to really get our attention about the need for more people to step up and take responsibility for the care of the Earth - not just physically, but energetically as we all move into new dimensions of reality. These deep shifts are happening within each of as well as with the Earth.

We'll get to these new dimensions for sure. The questions are, how will we get there and what do we want them to be like? This is about taking full responsibility for our power and no longer sleeping while others grab power and create our worlds. We don't have to have a violent revolution or hurt one another. Not at all. It can be done with strength of our convictions, power of clarity and vision, and a heart-centeredness that transcends the ego need for separation based on illusionary qualities like religion, skin color, gender, age, politics, looks and so on. This heart-centeredness, or compassion, recognizes the power, strength and beauty of diversity of the wisdom and experiences of the Soul - all Souls.

Be patient with yourself, too. Not everyone is moving at the same pace and even the timing of individual experiences is moving in odd increments.

I generally find the energies of Spring Equinox to be softly powerful. This year they are intensely powerful. There is a quality of pushing that isn't usually present. A sense of some serious releasing of old stuff. There is a clearing out of the compost pile to get to a clean, fresh, new start.

Spring Equinox 2010 is opening some doors to change that will be intense and powerful. it's time to visualize ourselves planting our roots into our new dimensions and lives and really FEEL the rooting happen and know that we have all the resources we need to feed and nurture the positive, healthy growth of ourselves, one another and our community.

It feels like things will be rollercoaster-like for some time. In spite of the rollercoaster ride, the time is now to be in deep and often partnership and connection with nature, spending more time visualizing and feeling our new roots planted firmly into our new terra firma, actively creating the new world from truth, love and no more illusion-based division but rather a community of respect, expression of beauty, joyful sharing of diversity and equality in sharing all resources to meet the needs of all life. Rooting in our new world is a first step to being able to then see and create the new world we desire.

Remember, too, home is where the heart is.

Blessed Be....Patti

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Little Bit About Venus in Sagittarius...

Venus is in Sagittarius right now, adding a greater depth to our sense of beauty. She is increasing our desire to create and make beautiful things happen, and adding a sense of desiring something successful with an idea, deepening our desire for beauty and harmony to be infused into whatever we are doing, and a desire for joy and beauty to be a part of the structure of all we do.

The major aspect to watch out for is that Venus energies can set things up so we feel drawn to our baser desires, stopping at nothing to bring those desires into our lives. Examples are things like greed for power and money (there is nothing wrong with power and money in energetic terms, but rather the problems come in when we infuse them with things like greed, anger, and so on), recognition for the sake of feeding our ego and fame, everlasting beauty and youth without grace and dignity in honoring the Grand Old Wise Woman and Man.

Venus is on a long journey of transforming that started back in June of 2004. This specific Venus cycle will end in June, 2012. This journey of Venus involves values, what we value, how we value, how we value ourselves and others, how others value us and how we let them value us, money and the general systems of trading energy and matter, how we treat women and children and the feminine aspects of men, what beauty means to us individually and culturally, justice taking a front row seat, and balancing and harmonizing life as we create the foundation of our new dimensional home.


New Moon in Sagittarius - December 16, 2009

This is an especially easy time to begin activities, creative endeavors and/or anything that needs more spark, creativity and energy infused into it; a time to have greater insight into what might be a good group to market your ideas to or who to connect with about an idea or who to connect with to help unblock if you feel you can't get to your ideas or creativity. But give it some good old-fashioned hard work first - you just might be surprised at how you can get the problem solved!
Our Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels and Elemental Beings are working like crazy to make sure the right ideas get to the right people, so pay attention to dreams, "aha" moments, things that capture your attention and imagination, things that give you "goosebumps". Those are signs and are pointing you in the direction you need to move in.
This Moon cycle reminds us that there is dark and light within us all. These energies also remind us that there is no such thing as a complete polarity any more, but rather a blending of different shades of light and dark along the continuum of light. We just believe we need to have an opposition in order to be "right" or to feel safe in our belief system, or to point a finger away from ourselves and not take personal responsibility and change what needs to be changed.
This Moon cycle also serves to remind us that no one is completely right or wrong. Sagittarius is about many different groups, ideas, beliefs, politics and religions coming together to create a diverse, unique and strong larger group from many different groups working together. Sag seeks to find the common themes within all the diverse stories to weave together a beautiful strong tapestry that serves the needs of the entire community in joyful ways. If we look around right now, there are too many who are resisting finding the common humanity within all the diversity and are stubbornly holding to their polar and individual positions, making assuptions about others and ultimately not getting anything healthy accomplished. Many are not willing to take the time to listen to the stories, others are not telling their stories but rather tell stories put into their heads by someone else. In the end though, even these energies will serve to bring some consciousness raising light to us all.
Our quest for taking an idea and turning it into something might be challenged by a desire to follow the "dark" path of our inner self (ego) - to perhaps have a pity party or blame others for our situation. Much of the pull to the darkness may stem from a sudden awakening and the lack of emotional balance with conscious awareness to go along with it. It is a matter of being patient and allowing our other parts to awaken and find balance within ourselves...our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual selves, that is.
At the center of this pull to go within is the naturally-timed desire to be at-one with the Source of all life. There is a deep pull, especially at this time of the year, to float in the universal waters that create life, that heal and restore us - to rest and be within the womb of the Divine Mother.
This pull has two directions. One is toward the downward spiral of life and one is toward the upward spiral. The downward spiral takes us to places of self-pity, the feeding of our addictions, destructive thoughts and feelings and beliefs, the misuse of our innate psychic abilities, the locking away of our creative powers which can cause us to twist into a ball of fear and deep sadness, and blaming others rather than taking personal responsibility.
The other direction takes work and facing your fears and anyone or thing that puts you down, tries to silence you, belittle you or keep you from expressing your creative powers and standing up to them (this could be your own self, too). Ultimately all relationships lead back to ourselves and the Creator anyway so even if it seems like someone else is "blocking your way", look at that relationship and see what that can tell you about yourself and the overall situation.
This spiral upward takes courage to build appropriate boundaries whereas the downward spiral leaves you open to boundary breakers and you feel the pain from their pounding.
Self-confidence is a keyword here...believe in yourself! This is, after all, the best time of the year to BELIEVE in that which we cannot see or feel, but FAITH deep in our hearts tells us it there or will come. That it is good and powerful in all ways. The major faiths, including the old religions, honor this time of year for miracles of light, rebirth of the life giving Sun, the birth of the Son of God and the Divine Mother. These are all based on belief and faith that the Sun will return and that miracles do happen.
This is a time of foreshadowing of what our dreams can grow and mature into. Coupled with a strong desire to make contact with other living beings and the desire to prove ourselves. We are now driven toward new experiences, whether they are constructive or destructive. The ultimate combination of energies gives us the initiation period of opening up to the new, the desire to connect with others and experience new experiences and offer us pathways to walk along to make the constructive choices, the joyfully creative choices as we create the structure for the new dimension we have moved into.
The energies of this Moon cycle also speak to forgiveness - it would be easy to find a dark space and choose not to forgive. It might take a bit of work to reach for the space of sparkling light and choose to forgive. The power of forgiveness is magnified right now, so if you forgive with integrity and honesty, let's say one inch, the Universe will magnify that one inch a thousand-fold.
This also means forgiving ourselves. The current cycles point toward the most basic of relationships - the relationship we have with ourselves and with the Divine. If you find yourself suddenly being very hard on yourself it is part of the lesson to open your heart to your own self and forgive yourself so you can move forward in life, lovingly and with an openness to meet others with a curiosity and a sense of wonder to listen to their stories and revel in the diversity of all lives as well as the common threads we all share as beings on this planet Earth. This is necessary because very soon things will get REALLY interesting!
Some suggestions to work with this Moon cycle are: Work with colors, light, fragrances and beautiful sounds to find the path to light and creativity, success and forgiveness. Wrapping up in a blanket that makes you feel safe with the warm glow of candle light and some uplifting orange and/or pine frangrances with the powerful sounds of Mozart or Beethoven or your favorite jazz or celestial music or what makes you feel good, while sipping herbal tea, hot chocolate or warm apple juice with a cinnamon stick would be a very rejuvenating thing to do. Make this YOUR experience by resting with whatever fragrances, music, comfy and cozy things speak to YOU.
Another restoring activity would be to consciously choose something you would like to do (i.e., art, a new business, writing a story, designing a garden or a house...the list is endless) and with deep breaths of joy, begin to happily work on it. It doesn't have to be perfect; the perfection comes later. Just know this the perfect time to begin this passion that comes from your heart and soul.
Right now one of the greatest gifts we are being blessed with is the strong presence of will and strength of the spirit/mind connection. We have the ability to choose to use our willpower and strength of mind to shift the direction of energies from moving toward the pity party and head instead toward your personal path of creativity, connection with positive and powerful like-minded beings and people as well as success toward any new project or idea you undertake during this New Moon. Find methods to feel yourself in a safe, womblike space to regenrate, heal, grow, be in that state of restful peace to help you regain and restore your energies so at Solstice and the Full Moon, leading to Imbolc (beginning of Spring) you are in a good place to step out with whatever you have chosen to work on with this New Moon cycle. And if you don't really choose anything, know that you are still working on things even if you don't conscsiously know it and that's perfectly fine!
